setq evil-respect-visual-line-mode t

I start learning emacs in order to improve my writing flow. I am borrowing heavily from Dr. Kieran Healy’s personal website in order to find useful resources for working with emacs (specifically with the goal of writing academic papers).

I’m using Doom Emacs, which has its own learning curves outside of regular emacs. That said, I think the overall set-up is nice. I don’t want to spend even more time playing with tools. I tend to revert to those sorts of things when I don’t want to write.

Doom emacs, at least, gives a great starting point. And I am liking evil mode, although that is itself a learning curve. Using the emacs-mac package via homebrew has eased that a little with excellent menu bars.

So far the main issue I had was activating visual line mode in org-mode. This was accomplished by inserting the following command at the top of the doom.d/init.el file:

(setq evil-respect-visual-line-mode t)

Figuring that out took far too long. ChatGPT was useless, it gave me 4 different answers to the problem and mostly blamed emacs-mac. The solution was hidden in the doom emacs discord and a reddit post.