About me

I am currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. My dissertation focus is on language policy in the Philippines. In the past, I worked with Peace Corps Philippines on related projects. I credit my undergraduate experience with the Myaamia Center for inspiring my professional path in language education and for my academic interests in the social influences on language. I do other things too, like rock climbing, tinkering with tech, and writing bad poetry. My grandparents on both sides were part of the Hillbilly Highway.

About this website

This website was built using the static site generator hexo. The theme used is cactus, with modified colors inspired by Protesilaos Stavrou’s modus theme. It is hosted on github pages.

Hexo and github pages requires a minimal level of technical skill. If you’re just looking for an easy way to have an online portfolio, there are many options such as wix, wordpress, and google sites. I’ve used each of these in the past and they are simple to use.

About my CV

My CV was created in LaTeX using a template from Dario Taraborelli.

About CC BY 4.0

Creative Commons License

The content of this website, unless otherwise stated, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. What this means is that you are free to copy, use, modify, or share anything on this website so long as you tell your audience where the work came from. CC-BY does not apply to any works referenced that have already been copyrighted, such as journal artcles. Those follow whatever copyright is in place by the publisher.